
Current Session

Oral Questions:

Statements and Urgent Questions:

168 MPs
447 speeches

Oral Questions:

Statements and Urgent Questions:

Adjournment Debate:

154 MPs
579 speeches

Oral Questions:

Statements and Urgent Questions:

Adjournment Debate:

144 MPs
391 speeches

Main Business:

Adjournment Debate:

153 MPs
453 speeches

Oral Questions:

Statements and Urgent Questions:

Adjournment Debate:

160 MPs
474 speeches

Oral Questions:

Statements and Urgent Questions:

136 MPs
398 speeches

Oral Questions:

Statements and Urgent Questions:

100 MPs
225 speeches

Oral Questions:

Statements and Urgent Questions:

Adjournment Debate:

144 MPs
370 speeches

Oral Questions:

Statements and Urgent Questions:

Adjournment Debate:

143 MPs
370 speeches

Statements and Urgent Questions:

Adjournment Debate:

55 MPs
140 speeches

Oral Questions:

Statements and Urgent Questions:

97 MPs
240 speeches

Main Business:

Statements and Urgent Questions:

67 MPs
152 speeches
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