
Independent Safeguarding Board Review



In a statement delivered in the House of Commons, the minister addressed the steps the Church has taken in response to the findings of Sarah Wilkinson's independent review into the Independent Safeguarding Board. The minister acknowledged the gravity of the issues raised in the review and emphasized the Church's commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals under its care. The minister outlined the Church's immediate actions, which included the establishment of a dedicated task force to thoroughly examine the review's recommendations and develop a comprehensive action plan. This plan, the minister stated, would focus on strengthening the Church's safeguarding policies, improving the transparency and accountability of the Independent Safeguarding Board, and enhancing the training and support provided to those responsible for safeguarding within the Church. Furthermore, the minister highlighted the Church's intention to engage in extensive consultations with victims, survivors, and other stakeholders to ensure that their voices and experiences are at the forefront of the reform process. The minister stressed the importance of learning from these perspectives and incorporating them into the Church's ongoing efforts to address the shortcomings identified in the review. The minister also reassured the House that the Church would work closely with relevant authorities and regulatory bodies to ensure that any necessary legislative or regulatory changes are implemented swiftly and effectively. This, the minister stated, would help to strengthen the overall safeguarding framework and provide greater protection for vulnerable individuals. In conclusion, the minister emphasized the Church's unwavering commitment to prioritizing the safety and well-being of all those under its care, and reiterated the Church's determination to implement the necessary changes to address the issues raised in the independent review.
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