
Maritime Coastguard Agency: Safety Breaches



In a recent statement to the House of Commons, the minister discussed the government's discussions with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency regarding maritime safety breaches that occur outside the UK's territorial waters but within the exclusive economic zone. The minister explained that the UK's exclusive economic zone extends beyond the country's territorial waters, and the government has been in dialogue with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency to address any safety breaches that may occur in this area. This is an important issue, as the exclusive economic zone is a significant area where the UK has certain rights and responsibilities, including the need to ensure the safety of maritime activities. The minister did not provide specific details on the nature or frequency of the safety breaches, but emphasized the importance of maintaining close communication and coordination between the government and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency to address these concerns. The government recognizes the need to uphold maritime safety standards, even in areas beyond the UK's territorial boundaries, and is committed to working with the relevant authorities to ensure the safety and security of all vessels and personnel operating in the exclusive economic zone. Overall, the minister's statement highlighted the government's ongoing efforts to monitor and address maritime safety issues within the UK's exclusive economic zone, underscoring the importance of maintaining effective oversight and coordination with the relevant agencies to protect the country's maritime interests.
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