
Winter Fuel Payment



In a statement made in the House of Commons, a minister expressed concerns about the impact of the government's policies on the elderly, particularly those over the age of 80. The minister noted that older people, especially those who are very old, often die in cold homes. The minister suggested that the government, if not willing to change its mind entirely, could consider looking at those aged over 80 who receive the higher rate of the winter fuel payment. The minister pointed out that there is a difference in the regulations between those over 80 and those under 80, and this could be a way for the government to make the situation slightly less worse than it otherwise would be. The minister's statement highlighted the vulnerability of the elderly, particularly the very old, to the effects of cold homes and the potential impact of the government's policies on this group. The minister proposed a targeted approach to address the needs of those over 80, who may be at greater risk, as a way to mitigate the negative consequences of the government's decisions.
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