
Planning Reform: Fiscal Steps



Alice Macdonald, the Labour/Co-op MP for Norwich North, asked the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Darren Jones, what fiscal steps the government is taking with Cabinet colleagues to reform the planning system. In response, Darren Jones stated that the government has committed to delivering 1.5 million new homes as part of their mission to achieve economic growth across the country. He mentioned that they have already announced reforms to national planning policy, including the reintroduction of mandatory housing targets and the removal of the effective ban on onshore wind in England. Alice Macdonald followed up, asking what local authorities such as Norwich City Council can expect from the government's approach to delivering brownfield sites with partners. Darren Jones acknowledged her question and stated that the government takes seriously their target to deliver 1.5 million new homes, and they will look at each and every opportunity across the country to do so. He mentioned that this includes making improvements to the system of developer contributions for community benefit to support the delivery of affordable housing and local infrastructure. Andrew George, the Liberal Democrat MP for St Ives, then intervened, stating that the planning system is built on the ability to make millionaires at the stroke of a pen as a result of passing planning permission, which does not necessarily result in developments that are in the best interests of the local community. He asked the Minister if there is more the government can do to ensure that the planning system is tipped towards meeting need, rather than greed. Darren Jones responded that the issue of so-called "hope value" was referenced in the Labour party's manifesto, and the government will set out further detail in due course.
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