Recognition of Palestine
In the House of Commons, Labour MP Paula Barker and Independent MP Adnan Hussain raised questions about the UK government's potential recognition of a Palestinian state. Barker asked the Foreign Secretary, Mr. David Lammy, to set out a timeline for the recognition of a Palestinian state, while Hussain directly asked if the government would support the immediate recognition of Palestine.
In response, Mr. Lammy stated that the government wants a "credible and irreversible pathway towards a two-state solution" and is committed to recognizing a Palestinian state as part of the peace process, at a time that is most conducive to that process. He emphasized that recognition alone does not deliver a two-state solution, but it is important to enable the Palestinians to have a sovereign state.
Barker pressed further, arguing that recognition should have been a starting point 30 years ago and would level the playing field to kick-start the peace process. She asked what the government would do if Israel refuses to entertain any moves towards a two-state solution. Lammy acknowledged the importance of the issue to Barker's constituents and stated that no one has a veto on recognition, and the government will work with partners to bring about a sovereign Palestinian state.
Hussain argued that the immediate recognition of Palestine is vital to upholding international law and norms, and to resolving the conflict through diplomatic means rather than violence. He suggested that the failure to recognize Palestine has had catastrophic implications for the Palestinian people. Lammy disagreed that recognition alone would bring about peace, stating that the Biden plan is currently on the table, and he would like to see Hamas and the Israeli leadership accept it as a path towards a ceasefire and a two-state solution.
Conservative MP Andrew Mitchell welcomed the new Foreign Secretary and urged him to avoid any suggestion of moral equivalence between a terrorist and the elected head of a democratic state. He reminded Lammy that British arms and military personnel were recently defending Israel from missiles launched by Iran.
Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran continued to press Lammy on the recognition of Palestine, arguing that it is necessary to ignite hope and unite Palestinians behind a final cause that will stop the killing. She asked if Lammy had discussed the two-state solution and the recognition of Palestine with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Lammy acknowledged the importance of the issue and stated that the government will recognize Palestine at the appropriate moment, hopefully working with other partners towards the desired two-state solution.